The Boerboel is a great family dog with all ages of people, it also called the South African Mastiff, South African Boerboel, Borbull or simply the Bole.
These dogs were bred as working farm dogs and are one of the most powerful dog breeds. The breed was originally bred for guarding farmhouses in South Africa.
Here is the overview of the Boerboel dog breed
- History of Boerboel
- Different names Boerboel
- Appearance & Characteristics of Boerboel
- Personality and Temperament
- Health & problems
- How to take care of the Boerboel dog breed
- Puppy information
- Things to consider adopting a Boerboel
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Photo gallery
1). History
The Boerboel is a working breed native to South Africa that is considered to be a member of the Molosser or Mastiff family.
The word “Boerboel” derives from “Boer,” the Afrikaans/Dutch word for “farmer.” Boel is an old Dutch/Afrikaans slang word for dog. It is a guard dog which was created by mixing various African and European breeds, possibly including the Bulldog, Bullmastiff, and Rhodesian Ridgeback.

Boerboel history
Origin: South Africa
Boerboel Group: Mastiff, AKC Working
In 1928, the diamond mining company De Beers imported Bullmastiffs to South Africa to guard the mines.
This breed was also crossbred with Boerboels in the region. The Boerboel was first developed in a few records were kept of dog breeding, and was primarily developed by working farmers in remote areas.
Through the ages, these dogs developed into two definite strains, the mastiff, which is mainly used for protection and as soldiers, and the hound, which was used for hunting purposes.
Van Riebeeck visited the Cape of the Republic of South Africa in 1652, he brought his own dog on to shield him and his family during this wild and unknown country.
This dog was referred to as a “Bullenbitjer”, a large, significant Mastiff-type dog.
History of the Boerboel breed
During the Great Trek that started in the 1800s, Dutch and other European colonists increasingly moved inland to protest tight British rule in southern Africa.
By the mid-to-late 1900s, due to the consequences of the World Wars, increasing urbanization in southern Africa and careless crossings of the Boerboels with other breeds, the Boerboel was at risk of extinction.
These dogs were often the first line of defense against predators and were valuable in tracking and holding a down wounded game.
The Boerboel developed, by tough farmers in South Africa from 1652 up to about 1900, in a hard school. In the 1980s, South African dog lovers set out to establish a standard for the breed.
They selected 72 dogs that met their criteria. Today, the Boerboel is still considered a rare breed throughout the world.
This breed was first introduced to purebred enthusiasts throughout the world, States including the United, by the American anthropologist Dr. Carl Semencic.
The Boerboel Breeders Association was established in 1983 in the Senekal district of the Free State with the sole objective of enabling and promoting the Boerboel as a uniquely South African dog breed.
Today, Boerboel breeding is both a hobby and an industry in South Africa. These dogs are now exported from South Africa to other parts of the world.
The Boerboel is also known as African Boerboel or South African Boerboel. This is a one of the biggest dog breed in the world.
In 2002, Romania prohibited the import of the Boerboel and restricted ownership to those with a court order allowing them to own the dog.
In 2010, the Boerboel was banned in Denmark for being a fighting dog. The American Kennel Club classifies the Boerboel as a working dog and granted it full recognition in January 2015.
Different names or Types
The name Boerboel is commonly misspelled as boerbul, boerbull, and borbull. The Boerboel dog breed is many different names like.
- South African Boerboel
Black Boerboel
- South African Mastiff
- African Boerboel
Nicknames: Bole
- American Kennel Club (AKC)
- Dog Registry of America, Inc (DRA)
- The Historical Boerboel Club of Southern Africa (HBSA)
- South African Boerboel Association (SABT)
- United States Boerboel Association (USBA)
- American Pet Registry, Inc (APRI)
- Russian International Boerboel Club Samba Global (RIBC)
- Elite Boerboel Breeders Association of South Africa Boerboelclub (Nederland) (EBBASA)
- International organization, whose primary goal is to aid the protection & development of the South African Boerboel (SAMBA Global)
Appearance & Characteristics
Boerboel dog breed’s appearance is very dangerous, but usually, it’s excellent for children and new owners.
This dog is one of the best guard dog, perfect for adoption. This dog breed is a large dog with a strong bone structure and well-developed muscles.
This Dog is a massive Mastiff-like breed with a blocky, broad, square head and a flat skull. This Dog breeds are known for their impressive musculature and physical strength. This Dog must have a good temperament.
Boerboel basic characteristics
- Country of Origin: South Africa
Boerboel Dog
- Size: Large: 24 to 27 inches
- Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
- Trainability: Easy to train
- Exercise Needs: Occasional exercise
- Energy Level: Medium Energy
- Grooming: Brushing Once a Week or Less
- Protective Ability: Very Protective
- Hypoallergenic Breed: No
- Space Requirements: House with Yard
- Compatibility With Other Pets: Known to be a dog aggressive may be okay with other pets if raised together
not recommended for homes with existing dogs - Litter Size: About 5 to 10 puppies
- Good with Kids: This is a suitable breed for kids and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them
- Height Males: 64 to 70 cm
Height Females: 59 to 65 cm - Weight Males: 70 to 90 kg
Weight Females: 70 to 90 kg - Adults weigh: 110 to 175 pounds
- Eliminating Faults: Males less than 23 inches in height.
Females less than 21 inches in height.
Boerboel dog breed is often biddable and reliable companion provided the correct socialization and coaching.
This dog breed is sensible, mainly together with his circle of relatives. He ought to be watched fastidiously with young kids. Brave, fiercely loyal and robust, this dog makes an incredible watchdog or guard dog.
He is playful with his family and loves toys and balls. The toys will be destroyed rather quickly, so be sure to pencil in a budget for dog toys.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Size: This dog breeds are one of the big dogs. Adult males ideally stand between 24 and 27 inches at the shoulder. Mature females are between 22 and 25 inches tall, measured at the same place.
Proportion: Proportion is almost important more than size. In proportion, the back’s length is not equal to a distance from withers to the ground or slightly longer than tall, in a ratio of 10 to 9. it must not evolve towards a square conformation.
Substance: These Dogs are characteristical of the larger frame and heavier bone than bitches. Bitches are feminine without weakness of substance or structure.
Balance: This may be defined as the correct proportions of specific points when considered with certain other points.
The main points for consideration are the relative proportions of skull and fore face, head and height at withers, and the body’s length from the shoulder point to the buttock. Balance is essential for every dog size and appearance.
Serious Faults: Blue eyes must be seen as a severe fault, severely out of proportion and balance Reversal of sex Characteristics.

head of boerboel
The head is an impressive and distinctive feature of this dog breed. It should be blocky, broad, deep, square and muscular, with well-filled cheeks and proportion to the body.
The African Boerboel dog is very distinctive in appearance. The head is square with a short, thick muzzle and broad, massive head.
The head of this dog breed is relatively large for the size of the body but not excessively.
Skull: The skull is square, flat and muscular. The skull must gradually decrease in width to the eyes, and the stop should be visible but not prominent.
Muzzle: The muzzle is black with large nostrils that are widely spaced. Its broad, deep well attached filled below the eyes and narrows slightly towards the nose.
Eyes: The colour of the eyes can be brown but darker than the pelt. This dog eye colour range in all shades of yellow and brown, but 90% of dogs’ eye colour is lighter than the pelt.
Blue eyes must be seen as a severe fault. The eyes are horizontal in orientation and can be any colour of brown that is in keeping with the coat colour.
Ears: The ears are of medium size V-shaped and moderate thickness. The ears are set high and wide against the skull. The ears fold down and slightly forward, coming even further forwards when the dog is at attention.
Teeth: Teeth are white, well developed, correctly spaced a complete set (42 teeth), and have bitten scissors.
Nose: The nose is well-pigmented and black or self-coloured according to the cots in non-standard colour varieties.
Neck, Topline, Body
Neck: The neck of the African Boerboel dog breed is arched and muscular, adding to the breed’s strength and protection appearance.
The neck is clean-cut, without excess skin, throatiness or pendulous dewlap, although some loose skin at the throat is permissible.
Topline: The top of the head is broad and flat with prominent muscle development. The top line of this dog breed will be straight with prominent back muscles and a short loin. It’s very straight without any noticeable sloping.
Body: The body is blocky, muscular and solid, with good depth and width. The back is broad and straight with pronounced muscles. The loin is strong, muscular and only slightly narrower than the rib cage and Rump.
Serious Fault: Weak pasterns
The forequarters are well-muscled and matched with angulation of the hindquarter for optimal mobility.
The forecast is wise, however, not excessive, with a flat centre profile well pronounced and crammed to confirm good volume and placed deep between the forelegs extending to a minimum of the elbow.
Chest: Deep and broad but never more comprehensive than deep. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows. The chest is broad, deep and wide with well-sprung ribs and strong developed pectoral muscles.
Shoulders: Shoulders are well laid back with good muscle development. The upper arm has good muscle development. The shoulder blade is long with moderate angulations.
Forelegs: Forelegs of substantive girth with a well-developed musculature, good bone structure, and vertical to the ground in both front and side views.
Front Feet: The pastern must be in proportion to the rest of the leg short, sturdy, and when viewed from the side from a slight angle is the pastern joint between the paw and the front leg.
The hindquarters are durable and muscular. The hind legs are robust boned. The stifles ought to sound robust and moderately angulated and in balance with the fore-quarters to support the powerful propulsion from the hind-quarters throughout the movement.
The rear pasterns are relatively short, intense and of adequate girth. When viewed from the rear, they are parallel with each other.
Rear Legs: The higher thighs square measure broad, deep and muscular as seen from the facet and the rear. The lower thighs have well-outlined muscles and show substance down to the hocks.
Hind Feet: The hind feet point straight forward and are slightly larger than the front foot. Rear dewclaws, if any, are generally removed.
Tail: The tail is thick and set pretty high. It should be well covered with hair and without kink.

Black Boerboel
The coat of this dog breed is short, dense, smooth, and shiny. This dog comes in different colors and patterns.
The most common colors found in this breed of dogs are brown, red or fawn, all of which may or may not have white markings on the legs and/or chest.
Color and Markings
Coat Color: This dog has a very short, dense and smooth coat that boasts a natural. These large dogs come in various colors like Mahogany, Red, Fawn, Brindle, Cream, Brown, Piebald, Black, etc.
These dogs come in various acceptable colours, including all shades of yellow, brown and brindle.
A.K.C. Lists six colors:
- Brindle
- Cream
- Red
- Brown
- Reddish brown
- Tawny
Four Markings:
- Black Mask
- Irish mask
- Piebald
- White markings
The movement of a Boerboel is powerful, purposeful, buoyant, and fluent.
Personality and Temperament
This dog breed has a personality and temperament that are protective, reliable, obedient, and highly intelligent.

Boerboel puppy
These dog breeds are large mastiff dogs that are initially from South Africa.
Today, they are still successfully bred in South Africa and shipped to many locations across the globe.
This breed dog is bold and fearless with a naturally dominant personality. It’s a magnificent personality dog breed. This dog in the yard is not a symbol of prosperity.
The breed is not a dog for decoration – he is an honest worker. Aristotle called the ancestors of these dogs Leontix, which means “sons of lions”.
This dog is generally devoted to his people, especially children, and has a strong desire for human companionship. This dog breed seems to think he is a natural leader.
This dog can be an obedient and reliable companion. He has had proper socialization and training.
This dog is very playful and affectionate toward its owner. It’s self-confident and fearless as there is diversity in the appearance of this dog.
This dog will good with other dogs, cats, and other non-canine pets. They are loyal, great with kids, and tend to be protective of their family and territory.
This breed is known for the intense bonds with its entire family, whom it cares for greatly. The African Boeboel’s temperament makes them a surprisingly affectionate and loving family dog.
Confident: This dog breed is assured and can not hesitate to attack if it feels vulnerable or believes its master is vulnerable.
This dog isn’t fast to backpedal against an aggressor unless ordered to try to thus by his owner. It conjointly usually obeys on its master 1st command and barely wants the command to be recurrent double.
Loyal: This dog breed is a very loyal dog to both its owner and its family and property.
Intelligent: These dogs are brilliant and easy to train, especially when done at an early age.
Activity Requirements

boerboel mastiff hd photo @PetGuide
This dog needs lots of space to move around and exercise to keep them healthy, happy, and stable. A large, securely enclosed yard and plenty of room to stretch in the house are very important for this breed.
It is a great way to provide exercise and cement the bond between dog and owner. This dog thrives when given specific tasks to accomplish.
This dog has so much muscle mass regular activity is essential to prevent obesity and ward off other health problems.
Behavioral Traits
Properly trained, these dogs make excellent guards and watchdogs. It entirely protects a home or business from intruders like an angry.
These dogs are known for being protective when necessary without being overly aggressive in typical situations.
He is a dominant breed that’s not well-suited for off-leash romps with strange dogs at the native dog park. They are introduced to unfamiliar dogs and folks fastidiously.
These breed dogs are intelligent and have natural pack instincts. Puppies can be pretty easy to train as long as their pack instincts are taken into account.
Properly trained, these dogs build glorious guards and watchdogs. Boerboel’s easy-going attitude during pre-adolescence makes some people mistakenly think that formal obedience training is unnecessary. This dog is described as tricky to train.
Disqualification of Boerboel
- A dog which is too big
- A too small and nondescript head
- Noticeable overbite
- Blue eyes
- Overly aggressive dog
- A narrow chest
- Sickle hocks
- Cow hocks
- Poor pigmentation
Health & problems
These dog breeds are generally healthy, living an average age of about 10 to 12 years. These dogs have few reported hereditary diseases or disorders.
These dogs, like all breeds, may develop some health issues. Some dogs may face these health challenges in their lives, but the majority of these dogs are healthy dogs.
If you consider buying a puppy, always ask the breeder what health problems because it’s crucial for you.
This breed should see the veterinarian for a complete diagnosis, vaccinations, and a heartworm exam every year and promptly when she is ill or injured.
Health Problems
These dogs are more susceptible to several health problems and tend to live shorter lives than smaller dogs.
Common Health problem
The UKBC strongly supports testing for hip dysplasia and other common inherited problems and recommends only breeding from dogs tested and achieving an acceptable standard.
Hip Dysplasia:One of the most common problems experienced by Boerboel is known as hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is caused by a malformation of the hip joint, which results in the leg bone connecting improperly to the pelvis.
Ellbowdysplasia: Elbow dysplasia is a term used to describe several closely related medical conditions that impact domestic dogs’ elbows.
Elbow dysplasia is one of the most common genetically inherited musculoskeletal conditions found in domestic dogs and especially common in large and giant breeds.
Entropion/Ectropion:Entropion is one of the most common genetically inherited visual problems found in domestic and large dogs. It causes the eyelid to rub against the cornea or surface of the eye.
Entropion can be either hereditary or acquired, although the conditions’ effects and treatments are identical regardless of the type.
Ectropion is a common condition in dogs, usually affecting the lower lid. Breeds associated with ectropion include the Boerboel cocker spaniel, St. Bernard, the bloodhound, and the Basset Hound.
Epilepsy: Epilepsy in dogs is a primary idiopathic hereditary disease or secondary to previous head trauma or Systema nervosum central infectious disease.
Upset encephalopathy is usually found in breeds like Boerboel, German shepherd, Beagles, and Dachshunds.
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Vaginal Hyperplasia: Vaginal Hyperplasia means that the tissue in the vagina reacts strongly to the estrogen during the heat of the female. The vagina will swell and can emerge from the vulva, which looks like a tongue.
Living conditions
This dog breed isn’t counseled for living accommodations life. It should at least have an oversized fenced yard to run and play. This dog will live outdoors.
This breed should not leave to run on its own for its terribly protecting and generally does not take too well to strangers. He can withstand freezing temperatures in a small igloo type of dog house to stay warm.
Living condition is beneficial for dog health. However, we recommend having a warm place to keep the dog if it gets icy in a cool place if it gets sweltering.
How to take care
Taking care is most important of every dog breed; similarly, it’s also essential for this dog breed.
If you are interested in adopting the dog so this is beneficial information for you. Read carefully and that you can enjoy yourself with your dog. In this article, we will provide different things to how to take care of your dog.

boerboel exercise @
First of all, we will discuss exercise because exercise is the essential part of taking care.
They require a considerable amount of exercise to keep him healthy, trim, and happy.
This breed is very active and will be happy to play ball or fetch with his family members for hours. South Boerboel mastiff receives regular exercise. It helps prevent heart disease, some types of cancer, stroke, arthritis, hip dysplasia, etc.
This dog needs some daily exercise to stay in shape, stimulate their brains, and stay healthy. Training for dog sports like agility, obedience, and rally can also be a great way to give your dog exercise.
Grooming & Brushing
Grooming this breed of Puppies and Dogs needs time, care, and patience. The grooming level and time spent on grooming will depend on the breed and size of the dog.
Grooming and brushing are beneficial for taking care of this dog. There is not a lot of grooming required with the dog. However, it will grow in moderate quantity, there’ll be some hair around there, regular brushing will facilitate, and vacuuming is required.
These dogs have short hair that does not shed in large quantities. They benefit from a weekly brushing to remove dead hair and keep their coats tidy and clean.
Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a buildup of wax and debris which can result in an infection. Teeth should be brushed regularly.
Check Their ears regularly to avoid wax and debris buildup, resulting in an infection Teeth brushed regularly.
Dental Health check up
A dental health checkup is vital for taking care of the dog. You can clean the dog’s teeth with a dog paste or a baking soda and water paste twice a week.
Use a child’s soft toothbrush, a gauze pad, or a piece of nylon stocking stretched over your finger. Frequently, loss of teeth takes place as a result of gum disease.
Infections can sometimes also spread to the rest of your dog’s body. The vet will sometimes brush the teeth at a typical checkup. The African Boerboel can also benefit from routine dental care.
Love & affection
Love and affection are valid for every dog. If you give love and affection to your dog, then the dog will love you back.
Your African Boerboel dog will be a member of your family, So Give lots of love and affection to your cute puppy. Most importantly, spend more time with your dog because that your dog needs love and warmth.
Boerboel Licensing
Follow the city’s licensing rules. You should attach the license to the Boerboel collar. The license, along with an ID tattoo, can quickly help secure your dog’s return if he happens to go missing.
Feed Healthy food
Healthy food is necessary to every dog’s life. Feeding is an essential part of every dog’s life. So give healthy and the best dry dog food for your dog.
Feeding amounts for dogs will always vary on the breed type and the size of the dog. These dog pups should probably be given the best quality, brand-name puppy food because it stays healthy for your puppy.
Feeding Plan
Boerboel is a massive dog, and he consumes a lot of food. Its essential that he is fed a diet of high-quality dry dog food. Dry food will help prevent potential dental health problems such as tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath.
Your dog pups may love cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, and cooked eggs, but these should not be more than ten pct of her daily nutrition.
- His pups between eight and 12 weeks need four meals in a twenty-four-hour period.
- His pups between 3 to 6 months old should feed three meals each day.
- Feed puppies six months to one-year-old two times every twenty-four hours.
- When this dog makes his 1st birthday, one meal daily is adequate.
Best food for Boerboel
Puppy information
These dog puppies require a lot of care. They need to be well-socialized to cut down on the possibility of aggressive behavior.
It’s good with kids and a suitable breed for kids, and is known to be playful, energetic, and affectionate around them. It is also shy towards strangers.
Puppy Training

boerboel puppy training
Puppy’s training is the key for all dogs and dog owners to be happy with large dominant dogs, as this dog breed training is a must and should not be overlooked.
Firm and consistent training are necessary for this dog to co-exist successfully with human families. Training is most important for every dog so you can give proper training for your dog.
All training should be done using positive methods and a treat-based reward system. Harshness, the dog, will only lead to resentment and aggression.
So you can properly train your dog. In this day, there are many ways to train your puppy quickly.
Crate Training
First of all, understand that crate training is not cruel. Despite what some people may have told you, breeders and veterinarians recommend using a crate for your dog from a young age.
The crate needs to be very comfortable with sufficient beddings, good airflow, and the excellent amount of light getting through. So Give crate training for your dog and keep it stay healthy. Crate training is the best way to train your puppy.
The Potty Training Puppy Apartment device and method are so unique patent is pending. It is the only type of dog crate training. If you want to get complete details on crate training, visit this article on Paws How To Crate Train Your Dog
Behavioral training
All of us, dog owners, need to administer some dog behavior training at some point in time. Behavioral training is beneficial for taking care of the dog.
If you want to train your puppy to Behavioral training, find out some common behavioral issues like barking, aggression, food guarding, howling, mouthing and chewing, separation anxiety, etc., and stop these behavioral issues; train your dog efficiently.
Obedience training
Obedience training is one of the primary and most essential trainings for any dog. We use three methods of training with our dogs, all beginning with a strong foundation in the core five obedience commands: come, sit, stay, heel, down. Every dog should know these five basic obedience commands.
Puppy price
The average Boerboel dog breed Puppy price: $1600
This dog breed puppy will cost around $1600 for a pet quality dog from a decent breeder, but keep in mind that they are rare, so you will likely place them upon a waiting list.
Then there are ongoing costs too. Feeding a large dog like Boerboel will cost about $270 a year for good quality dry dog food and dog treats.
Medical expenses: $485 a year for basic medical care and pet insurance
Boerboel Puppy Names
Male Female
Charlie Azura
Fuzzy Buttons
Riley Star
Brody Lola
Exit Maggie
Justin Addie
Aaron Ariel
Coco Cookie
Banjo Amanda
Diesel Bubbles
Find a dog or puppy

boerboel puppy weight@
If you interested to adopt puppy so is a good place to adopt boerboel puppy online for low cost. puppy for sale in UK
Rescue organizations: Several rescue organizations are available these days, like US Boerboel in Need Network, Giant Paws Boerboel Rescue Inc, etc.
Find a breeder
This breed is one of the dangerous and very famous dogs and perfect for adoption. Boerboel is a very loyal and excellent family dog. These days, many breeders are available globally, so we find some Boerboel breeder and list out here.
List of Boerboel breeder
- Salt Lake Boerboels: Contact Email:
Phone- 801-941-1048 - Booyens Boerboele: Location: Centurion, South Africa
Contact Email:
Phone Number +27798737581 - Mae Boerboel: Location: Wisconsin
Contact Email: - D&K Boerboels: Location: United States
Phone Number 3122885204
You can see here more breeder list
Things to consider adopting a Boerboel
Do you like Boerboel and searching for adoption? This article will provide the best information about things to consider adopting this dog breed.
Can you afford to adopt a dog?
Do you want to adopt this dog or puppy? So this is a good idea for you and your family. But before they assume a dog is necessary to think about its expenditure. There are different types of costs like vet bills for your lease, not just feeding a dog or puppy. But do not limit the costs of any animal.
The cost of adopting dogs, such as training costs, food costs, Vet checks’ cost, Pet insurance cost, and any other cost are for adopting dogs. It is an essential thing to before adopting dogs. If you buy a puppy is also necessary to think about its expenditure.
Research good breeders before buying Beorboel puppy
If you want to buy a puppy, this time is best for you because we will give you the necessary information. Here is research on good breeders before purchasing a puppy.
It would help if you found a good breeder before purchasing puppies. If you buy a dog with unknowledgeable breeders, you will risk your dog with behavior and health problems.
Insist that you have to buy a dog from a good breeder and experienced a good breeder who can give you a good puppy. So, if you are going to adopt a dog or puppy is necessary to find a good breeder. It’s the best and good thing before adopting dogs or puppies.
Good watchdog
These dogs are very protective, and they are very alert, which makes them good dogs to keep watch out for things and people you don’t see coming. So this is an excellent watchdog and perfect for adoption.
You can check here best information about Things you need to know before adopting a dog
Advantages of Dog
- This breed does not require large amounts of daily exercise and had a short, easy to care for coat.
- This is a large, strong, and attractive dog.
- The Boerboel makes an impressive guard dog
- It’s very Low Maintenance dog breed
Disadvantages of Dog
- The dog often shows aggression towards strangers and does not get along well with other dogs or pets.
- Those wishing to purchase a dog may run at very high costs and long waiting lists from breeders.
- It remains rather rare outside of its native South Africa and can be difficult to obtain
People also ask about Boerboel
Is a boerboel a good family dog?
These Dogs are an intelligent and energetic breed. They are loyal, great with children, and tend to be protective of their family and territory. They are totally devoted and happy to be with their owners, but wary of strangers making them a good choice for a guard dog.
Is a Boerboel aggressive?
Thisl breed gets along well with other pets, especially if they grow up together. They can be aggressive toward other dogs, especially those of the same sex and breed.
Photo gallery
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Their bodies are compact, very muscular and solid with dogs having both a good depth and width to them. They have broad, straight backs and very noticeable muscles. Chests are deep, wide and broad with dogs having well sprung ribs and loins that are muscular and strong being just slightly narrower than a dog s ribcage and rump. Shoulders slope moderately and are muscular, powerful and tight. Croups are flat, strong and broad.
I adopted a puppy from a court taken female. The owner had both parents but, the male was hit by a car and killed. They said she was a cane corso, which I have two, and she doesn’t act or look like then. What I have come up with is the Boerboel. She is fixed at 4 mo. So it really doesn’t have anything to do with breeding. But, they insist she is a mastiff.