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Shih Tzu Chihuahua Mix Dog Breed Information

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Shih chi is the cross of Shih Tzu and Chihuahua. Chihuahuas and Shih Tzus are both bred into the Chihuahua-Shih Tzu mix, which is known as the “Shichi Canine.”

The Shichi dog is a little yet scrappy dog that has become increasingly well known as of late. The mix of the Chihuahua and the Shih Tzu makes a vivacious, valiant, blissful, and faithful friend.

You likely couldn’t find a better mix breed, as their characters are so similar. These designer dogs are reproduced exclusively for friendship; however, with their boisterous bark, you’d think they were guard dogs!

Like most toy breeds, a Shih Chi is good for first-time dog owners. Their small size makes them ideal for a little family or a little loft flatmate.

Shichi can thrive in many conditions, as they don’t need a large room. They’ll need to be close to you and the family, yet they’re probably going to pick the top choices!

These dogs are minuscule or super small, so they’re ideal for individuals living in apartments. They will also generally be exceptionally loyal partners who will stay close at all times.

If you’re contemplating getting that Chihuahua Mix, be ready for a great deal of character! In this post we will see all the information about Shih Chi dog breed.

Let’s see together…..

Content Overview


There are no records showing who made the blended variety Shichi, despite the fact that it’s conceivable that they were created in the late 21st century or maybe as early as the mid-2000s.

With any mix breed, accomplishing consistency with its qualities, wellbeing, conduct, and demeanor is troublesome; however, it’s all the more so on the off chance that they’re a new blend.

The American Canine Hybrid Club, the Designer Breed Registry, the Dog Registry of America, the Designer Dogs Kennel Club, and the International Designer Canine Registry all perceived the ShiChi as a crossover breed.

This makes finding a Shichi simpler than tracking down most different blends. Shih Tzu-Chihuahua mixed dogs are a generally new variety. Their parents have long and rich histories.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a little dog variety that originated in Tibet. They are accepted as having been reproduced by the Tibetan priests, who valued them for their friendship and capacity to give warmth.

The Shih Tzu was first brought to China in the 8th century, where they immediately turned into the number one dog of the majestic court. During the mid-20th century, Shih Tzus were acquainted with the West, where they quickly acquired fame as buddy creatures.

Today, Shih Tzus are one of the most well-known canine varieties on the planet. They are known for their long, satiny coats, which arrive in various varieties and examples.

Shih Tzus are delicate and adoring canines who make ideal allies for individuals, everything being equal.


The fact that it originated in Mexico makes the Chihuahua a little canine. The Chihuahua dog is the littlest perceived canine variety, named for the Mexican territory of Chihuahua, where it was first noted during the nineteenth century.

The Chihuahua is remembered to have been gotten from the Techichi, a little quiet canine kept by the Toltec nation of Mexico as early as the ninth century CE.

Shichi Dog Appearance & Characteristics

The Shichi is a small to medium sized dog.

Coat: They have a short coat that can be either straight or wavy, and arrives in different tones including dark, white, brown, and dim. The delicate extended layer of the complex Shih Tzu straightforwardly goes against the short-haired and tight fur of the Chihuahua.

Shih Tzus will more often than not have a long hotdog canine body, while the Chihuahua isn’t just little yet in addition somewhat skinny. As a general rule, the ShiChi will in general look like more qualities of the Shih Tzu parent breed, yet their jacket shares all the more practically speaking with the Chihuahua.

Head: The head of the Shichi is flat and wide.

Eyes: It has large almond-shaped and dark-brown eyes.

Ears: The ears are relatively large and may be erect or floppy.

Body: The body of the Shichi is compact and muscular.

Legs: It has short legs.

Tail: Long tail.

Muzzles: Their muzzles are black.

Noses: Small Black Noses

Breed Characteristics

Size: 22 – 31 cm

Weight: 4-7 kg

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Shedding amount: Low-moderate, depending on the coat type

Temperament: Moderate, but can be aggressive

Intelligence: Gets distracted easily, short attention span

Socialization: Handles socializing well if taught at an early age

Destructive Behavior: Potentially chew on shoes or soft objects

People Skills: Can be aggressive around strangers

Activity Levels: Needs very little amount of activity throughout the day

Good with Children: Can be hit and miss

Coat: Medium length, straight or curly

Color: Tan and white is the most common

Shichi Dog Breed Names

Other Names

      • Chi-Shi
      • Chi-Tzu
      • Shi Chi
      • Dogs similar to the Shichi
      • Pekinese
      • Maltese Poodle
      • Yorkshire Terrier

Popular Names for Shichi

      • Mia
      • Chloe
      • Selena
      • Finn
      • Arya
      • Alberto
      • Simba
      • Max
      • Theo
      • Bruno
      • Jessie


IDCR = International Designer Canine Registry

ACHC = American Canine Hybrid Club

DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.

DBR = Designer Breed Registry

DDKC = Designer Dogs Kennel Club

Recognized Names

Designer Breed Registry = Shichi

Designer Dogs Kennel Club = ShiChi

American Canine Hybrid Club = ShiChi

International Designer Canine Registry = Shi Chi

Shichi Dog Breed Personality & Temperament

Like the Chihuahua, the Shichi is active and friendly, but it additionally has the Shih Tzu’s quiet and delicate nature. The Shichi is a canny variety that rushes to learn new tricks, and it is additionally one of the most faithful and generous of all the toy breeds.

This little dog wants to accompany its family, and it will immediately turn into a valued member of any family. Shichi dogs are ordinarily extremely faithful to their proprietors and make incredible guard dogs.

They are, for the most part, great with youngsters and different pets, yet they might be territorial around outsiders. Each dog’s character is special, particularly assuming that that canine is a crossbreed.

Assuming that is the situation, the originator canine will acquire characteristics from each parent. Consolidate the characters of the Shih Tzu and the Chihuahua, and you’ll get the feisty, warm, lively, and defensive Shichi.

They just need your adoration and consideration, so don’t be amazed if this little canine behaves like your four-legged shadow. Beside their delicate nature, they can be lively and defensive, which is why this is the sort of dog that ought not be in homes with little kids.

Chihuahua Shih-tzu Mix Dog Health Problems

Chihuahuas and Shih Tzus are both small dog varieties with huge personalities. Despite the fact that they make superb buddies, they are additionally inclined to specific medical issues. Here are the absolute most normal illnesses in Chihuahua-Shih Tzu blends:

Patellar luxation: This condition happens when the knee joint isn’t adjusted as expected. This can be extremely agonizing for the dog and may require a medical procedure.

Trichomoniasis: This is a physically transmitted illness that can be passed from one canine to another. The canine really should be inoculated and fixed to forestall this infection.

Heart Disease: Both Chihuahuas and Shih Tzus are powerless against coronary illness. This can be hereditary or brought about by weight. The best counteraction for this illness is to keep the dog’s load at a healthy level.

Dental issues: little varieties, for example, Chihuahuas and Shih Tzus, are inclined to dental issues. Ordinary tooth brushing and exams are the best countermeasures for these issues.

Hypoglycemia: This is a condition that can happen when your dog’s glucose level is excessively low. It is essential to screen the canine’s eating regimen and ensure he is getting sufficient food and water. On the off chance that you notice the canine is dormant or having seizures, you ought to take him to the vet promptly, as this could be an indication of hypoglycemia.

While these are probably the most widely recognized medical problems of Chihuahua-Shih Tzu blends, it is essential to recall that all canines are unique and not all are impacted by these issues. Make certain to converse with your veterinarian to ensure your canine is just about as sound as could be expected.

How to Train Shih chi Dog Puppy?

The Shih Chi dog is a very cordial and dynamic dog, yet a stubborn one too. Preparing a Shih Chi takes long-term commitment and time, yet it is beneficial as it can cultivate a sound, cheerful connection between you and your pet.

1. Socialize your Shichi

Take your Shichi on vehicle rides, visits to parks, and short walks around the area. Just guarantee he’s had his underlying arrangement of vaccinations before introducing him to others.

He should work together with everybody in a positive way so he isn’t unnerved by a particular sex or size of people. You could have to enlist your Yorkie in a consistence planning or pup socialization class.

Ask your veterinarian or neighborhood pet store to propose one. Make an effort not to get back a Yorkipoo the occasion that you have extraordinarily little children. This is more to protect your Shichi, which can be coincidentally hurt considering his little size.

2. Use reward-based readiness

One of the most amazing ways to showing fundamental orders is to use the honor based arrangement structure. To do as such, reward your canine when he follows the request or steers activity in the right bearing.

Have a go at offering a little food prize for consistence. Guarantee you’re solid in your presumptions and expectations. Never reward a dreadful approach to acting. Recall that verbal recognition is similarly an award for your canine.

3. Show your dog basic commands

You’ll probably accept your dog ought to answer direct requests like “remain”, “sit”, or “down”. Pick a planning time when you will unquestionably stick out.

Show your dog a treat, work with him while communicating the request, and immediately reward accommodation or positive undertakings.

For example, to tell your dog the best way to sit, have him stand before you. Guarantee he’s engaged and sees that you have a treat between your fingers. At the point when he bases on the treat, hold it a couple creeps over his head and steadily move it back between his ears.

He’ll ordinarily follow it back and begin to sit. Tell him to “sit” as he does this and instantly give him the treat, saying “great, sit” all the while.

4. Crate training

Crate training doesn’t mean a lot to the method involved with housebreaking. Having your Shih Tzu and Chihuahua mix feel comfortable in her box can assist with vet trips, travels, and different episodes where your Shih Chi might be briefly bound.

Pick a little dog crate for your Shih Chi. You just need sufficient space for your Shih Chi to sit, stand, and pivot. The crates should also have ventilation on each of the four sides. It’s anything but an impractical notion to keep the container someplace in your home where you hang out regularly.

Like that, your Shih Tzu can sporadically go in her box while as yet feeling like a piece of the family. Going in the container ought to be considered a treat as opposed to a discipline. Keep a water dish and food in the carton.

Ensure any toys and canines are protected and large enough that your Shih Tzu won’t swallow them. Keep your Shih Chi in the container when they rest, go out, or when you’re busy with a family task that keeps you from watching her.

Do this until your canine is housebroken and you realize she won’t have mishaps inside. It is significant not to regard the container as an “enclosure” or “jail” and to downplay its use. In the event that it is essential, when you are home, keep the dog on a lead so you can watch out for him and accept him outside to latrine when you spot indications of him needing to latrine.

5. Make a walking plan

At the point when you initially start housebreaking your Shih Chi, you’ll have to adhere to a strict strolling schedule to ensure your pet doesn’t dispose of itself inside.

Sniffing, circumnavigating, or hunching down are signs a Shih Tzu-Chihuahua blended breed is prepared to dispense with On the off chance that you notice these ways of behaving, either take your canine outside right away or direct her to the appropriate spot in the house.

At the point when you initially start housebreaking a Shih chi, you’ll have to take her out every one and a half to two hours, or every 20–30 minutes for a little dog.

You ought to take her out when you awaken, before you hit the hay, and after she eats or drinks. Acclaim your Shih Chi after she wipes out outside or in a legitimate spot in your home.

Shih Chis, by and large, prefer uplifting feedback over bad support, so acclaim for progress will go farther than chastening for botches.

6. Be patient

Shih Chis are famously hard to housebreak. It might take up to eight months before a Shih Chi completely comprehends where it’s suitable to take it out. Be encouraged.

Regardless of whether you’re actually having mishaps after a couple of months, be constant and severe about your preparation plan. In the long run, your Shih tzu chihuahua blend ought to comprehend and submit to the principles.

6. Lease training

As Shihchi’s are small dogs, chain preparation is especially significant, as you would rather not cause a burden on their necks or appendages during strolls. Until your Shih Tzu/Chihuahua mix dog learns not to pull, go for her for short strolls as it were.

Track down elective ways of practicing her, as strolls will prepare meetings until she’s dominated great rope habits. Reward not puling with treats and commendation. Chastening doesn’t function admirably with Shihchi’s.

They’re bound to answer positive criticism, so acclaim her for what she’s doing right as opposed to reproving her for what she’s fouling up. In the event that your Shih Chi gets stirred up before a walk, she’s bound to get rowdy on it.

At the point when you go to get the chain, disregard your Shih Chi assuming that she begins hopping around. Essentially hold on until she plunks down and clasp the chain on her collar.

Assuming she begins skipping around when you reach to cut the rope, stand up and hang tight for her to quiet down once more. Try not to cut the rope until she’s finished skipping, regardless of whether it takes for a spell.

At the point when your canine pulls, don’t pull back. Essentially stop. On the off chance that she figures out how to connect pulling with a negative, the walk halting, she’ll ultimately learn not to pull.

This works far superior to reproving or pulling back, which just further irritate up the canine. In the event that your Shih Chi experiences a ton of difficulty with chain habits, consider putting resources into a bridle until she quiets down.

Canine bridles can be bought at pet stores and will hold your Shih Chi back from stressing her neck assuming that she pulls on the chain.

7. Uncover your Shih Chi through various sounds and experiences

Shih Chi could foster anxious inclinations if excessively indulged. This can bring about meekness and even animosity. Expose your Shih Tzu-Chihuahua Mix to different sounds and encounters.

It sounds as though whistles, grass cutters, alarms, vacuum cleaners, clothes washers, and other everyday commotions ought to be recognizable to your Shih Chi.

As fear of abandonment is an issue, you would rather not risk her hearing a harmless clamor and overreacting while you’re gone. Uncovering your Shih chi to various boosts essentially implies taking her with you to better places and staying cool and gathered despite clearly or abruptly clamoring.

Dogs get signs from their owners. On the off chance that you get scared or expect a negative way of behaving from your dog, it’s bound to happen. Remaining even-tempered despite unexpected clamors, different dogs, or others can assist your canine with keeping cool-headed. Try not to treat her any differently so she witnesses the occasion as ordinary and not dreaded.

On the off chance that she shows any meek way of behaving, for example, cringing or whining, it’s OK to offer something relieving to her or to give her a treat to cause her to appear to be content and positive. Be that as it may, don’t eliminate her from the circumstance, get her, or in any case, blow up as this energizes an overcompensation in the canine.

Customarily, proprietors are overprotective of small dogs, prompting what is known as “little canine disorder.” Proprietors overlook forceful ways of behaving, such as gnawing, and attempt to safeguard more modest canines from greater creatures by getting them or overreacting when they interface with bigger varieties.

The mix of absence of discipline and indulging implies that more modest canines end up both unfortunate and to some degree, forceful. Permit your Shih Chi to securely cooperate with big dogs, and chasten her in the event that she chomps or diverts the pinching towards a toy or treat.

How to Take care Shih Tzu-Chihuahua Mix?

How to Feed Shichi Dog Breed?

Feeding of a Shichi dog resembles playing roulette-no one can really tell what they’ll want to eat today!

Meeting their nourishing requirements for a blissful and solid life is significant. They don’t have similar preferences as different dogs.

Puppy (2-3 Months)

Suggested Everyday amounts of feeding: 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dry kibble

Best Kind of Food: Top quality doggy food with little, scaled down pieces

Older Puppy (3-6 Months)

Suggested Everyday amounts of feeding: 1/2 to 3/4 cup of dry kibble

Best Kind of Food: Dry and wet food varieties combined as one; keep away from pureed food sources

Adult (6 months – 7 Years)

Suggested Everyday amounts of feeding: 1/2 to 1 cup of dry kibble each day, separated into two feasts

Best Sort of Food: Top notch protein sources like hamburger, chicken, or fish

Older (7+ Years)

Suggested Everyday amounts of feeding: 1/3 to 1/2 cup of dry kibble each day, split into two segments

Best Kind of Food: Low-fat and effectively absorbable proteins; delicate or saturated kibble in addition to supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin.

Shih Chi Dog Breed Grooming & Caring

The Shih chi is a dog that requires routine washing and grooming. This blissful, warm toy breed has a lavish coat which should be washed as habitually as each week up to no longer than like clockwork.

Recurrence of showers relies upon how much coat and the way of life of your Shih Tzu chihuahua mix. The sign of the variety is his plentiful, lavish, twofold coat. The consideration and support of the coat sets the establishment for keeping up with solid skin and coat.

Normal showers advance coat development. A messy coat will mat and tangle a lot more straightforward than a spotless coat. At the point when the coat is filthy and breaks, the hair shaft turns out to be unpleasant and in the end separates, which will prompt further harm of the coat.

Consequently, keeping the coat perfect and solid is of most extreme significance to keep up with the sumptuous, twofold coat.

There is a craftsmanship to washing a Shih chi while limiting tangling. After the coat is wet, apply the cleanser by getting it through the coat in a descending movement. To get the coat spotless, keep on dropping the cleanser down the coat.

Completely shampooing the coat will add to building a sound, solid, and reasonable coat. A similar strategy is utilized while molding the coat. It is critical to condition the Shih Chi’s jacket to support and hydrate every individual strand of hair.

Ensure you completely wash the coat. It is smart to marginally chill the water temperature off for the last wash to guarantee the coat is totally liberated from any item. When the shower is done, smudge the coat with a towel and press exorbitant water from the ears, legs, and the long decorations.

Continuously utilize a descending movement to eliminate the overabundance as opposed to a round movement to keep the coat from further tangling.

In the event that your Shih Chi has a long coat, it is ideal to line dry the canine utilizing a puff or stand dryer. Efficiently line dry the whole coat directly down to the skin. Ensure the canine is totally dry in the space you are chipping away at before you move onto the following segment.

When the Shih Chi is totally dry, ensure the coat is sans tangle. Two fold look at your brush by utilizing a metal brush. It ought to skim uninhibitedly through the coat right down to the skin.


      • Brush your shichi’s teeth 3 times a week.
      • Clean their ears every week.
      • Clip their nails whenever nails grow too much.
      • clean their eyes area with wipes.
      • Clean their Nosetrills with wipes.

Shih chi Dog breed Needs Exercise

Despite the fact that Shichis just need close to 20 minutes of actual work each day, the dog park can be a magnificent spot to get it. There is no denying that it will be a brief excursion that appears as though it’s not worth the effort, but for your canine’s socialization, it’s essential.

The two Chihuahua and Shih Tzu breeds can be very possessive and forceful. On the off chance that you can stop this way of behaving from the beginning in the near future, you can profit from a balanced toy canine that coexists well with different canines.

In this manner, when the sun’s shining and you have 20 minutes in excess, get your canine, their chain, and a waste pack and make a beeline for your closest canine park. You might find it to a greater degree a useful encounter than you initially suspected.

Start Young

The most effective way to energize socialization with your canine is by acquainting them with different canines in a recreation area setting when they are extremely young. Thusly, when you bring them home as a young pup, start taking them to the recreation area for ordinary events.

Not exclusively will it be a tomfoolery outing for you both, yet it will assist your spoiled dog with understanding that canines can coexist calmly without the requirement for a hostile, social, or forceful way of behaving.

Pick a Park area

Since Shichis are so little because of their grouping as toy canines, you really should be cautious about the recreation area you decide to visit. Few parks out of every odd number will isolate the canines by size, so you want to find one that does.

Your little guy should accompany canines of their size—not on the grounds that larger canines are forceful, but since your fuzzy companion could be in danger of being coincidentally wounded by bigger pets.


In the event that you incorporate park walks into your dog’s daily schedule, they will start to anticipate playing. It requires negligible exertion from you, yet your canine will realize they get to go into a completely fenced nook and partake in an amazing time playing with their companions.

In any case, on the off chance that you acquaint them with different dogs when they are more seasoned, the response may not be as ideal.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Kind Of Animal is A Shih Tzu-Chihuahua Mix?

Shih Tzu Chihuahua is a mixed breed of Shih Tzu and Chihuahua parents, otherwise called ShiChi or Chi Tzu. Shih Tzu-Chihuahua blends are a type of canine.

2. What Class Of Animal Does A Shih Tzu-Chihuahua Mix Belong To?

Dogs normally have a place with the group of warm-blooded creatures, logically named Mammalia, so that makes the Shi Tzu Chihuahua likewise a vertebrate, and its logical name is Canis lupus.

3. What Is A Shih Tzu Chihuahua’s Territory?

Canines like Shichi are probably going to reside in homes with people. They are really energetic with them and are likewise extremely versatile to the spots they live in, so it truly doesn’t make any difference where you reside; you can continuously have a Shih Tzu little dog or a grown-up Shih Tzu Chihuahua blend reside with you.

4. Who Do Shih Tzu Chihuahuas Live With?

Shih Tzu Chihuahua Blend is probably going to live with people, as the parent breed is additionally used to living with people. They can undoubtedly get comfortable with the home climate; they truly don’t need to bother with any sort of new environmental factors.

The main thing to remember is that occasionally a ShiChi may not be cordial with small kids as they like to be more spoiled, so it gets challenging to deal with both simultaneously.

5. How Long Does A Shih Tzu-Chihuahua Mix Live?

Generally, the Chihuahua-Shih Tzu blend is probably going to have a life expectancy of around 12–15 years of age, despite the fact that it relies heavily on how solid they are or the way in which they are being cared for.

Likewise, one of the greatest variables is their parent breed, for example, assuming the Chihuahua and Shih Tzu blend guardians have had any sort of sickness in the past. In this way, it is critical to inquire as to whether the guardians of the ShiChi pup were free of sickness or not prior to embracing.

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