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Long Haired German Shepherd – Training Guide

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The main difference between the Long-Haired German Shepherd and the standard German Shepherd is their hair. These dogs get the recessive long-haired gene from both parents, which is then passed down. Long-haired German Shepherds are the originators of the extremely popular short-haired German Shepherds.

They are now allowed in the UK, but the AKC does not currently allow long-haired German Shepherds to compete in shows. Dogs with longer hair do not have an undercoat. Long-haired German Shepherds are more susceptible to extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain and strong winds.

They are a breed of dog with a high level of intelligence and obedience. Just like a standard German shepherd, the long-haired German shepherd has too much aggressive behavior.

Read Also: Long Haired German Shepherd

If they are not properly trained, they can become too aggressive with strangers. So training is the most important thing for the long-haired German shepherd. In this post, we will give you tips on how to train a long-haired German Shepherd dog.

Let’s read together. 

Why Training Is Too Much Important?

  • Training builds confidence and provides stimulation to your pup.
  • By training, the bond between human-dog will be strengthens.
  • It provides a sense of accomplishment.
  • Training provides a way for us to communicate with our four-legged family members.
  • Teaching your dog basic skills is so much important for everyone’s safety.
  • Training your dog is significantly safer for your home and stranger.
  • Training should be fun and a great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated.

How do I get started Long Haired German Shepherd Training?

Late training and delaying training means missed opportunities for the dog to learn how you would like him to behave. You will be training your German Shepherd puppy from the moment you bring it home. Start the house train.

Some basic training can begin as soon as the puppy can open its eyes and walk. German Shepherd Puppies are very brilliant. That’s why they are capable of learning much from an early age. Young puppies have short attention spans, but you can begin to learn basic command training at 7 to 8 weeks of age. 

Some General Training Principle For Owner

  • All dogs have different personalities or temperaments, just like kids. But yes, they are very intelligent. That’s why they understand commands quickly. The long-haired German shepherd is by birth aggressive, so manage your mood and expectations.
  • You must make sure that your praise is fast enough to be accurate. For example, if you are teaching your dog the “come” command. They come to you for just a moment, but by the time you praise and reward them.
  • Everyone whose are living around you Make sure everyone uses the exact commands your dog learns in training. Different words and techniques make your pup confused.
  • Don’t feed as large a meal as usual a few hours before training your dog. Your dog is unable to concentrate on a task after being fed more food.
  • You will give them a lot of love and praise. Do not shout at them.
  • If they are barking during a training session, then ignore them. Make sure you don’t yell at the dog to be quiet.
  • Make sure you can start training indoors or in your fenced yard with low distraction.

Long Haired German Shepherd Training Guidance


Name Recognition

When you adopt Long Haired German Shepherd puppy at your house than first give them it’s own name. Name should be the very first step to maintain discipline. It is easier to teach your pup commands and exercises if you give them appropriately name. If you are calling them by their name they stare or look at you upon calling their name.

Learn Them Basic Commands

Learning their basic commands is the first step of training. Basic commands are heel, come, listen, wait…..

Come: When you want your dog to come to you, use the “come” command. This command has the ability to save your dog’s life by preventing him from running away if he gets loose. Attach a 6-foot leash to your dog’s collar to keep him focused and prevent him from escaping. Use praise and your “happy voice” to encourage him to move toward you. 

Listen: When your dog’s attention is drawn to you, use the “listen” command. The “Listen” command is given to your dog by holding a reward in your closed palm. Move your hand slowly closer to the dog’s nose and then towards the face. Say the “listen” command once you have your dog’s full attention and have established eye contact.

Sit: The “sit” command is used to settle down and maintain control over your dog. Hold the treat closer to your dog’s nose, then gradually move your hand up, causing your dog’s head to move in the same direction as your hand. Give the “sit” command while the dog is in the natural sitting position.

Wait: The command “wait” is used to teach your dog not to move or roam. Say the “wait” command while opening your palm. Repeat this exercise until your dog understands it completely.

Heel: The command “heel” is used to train your dog to be well-behaved when you are around. Allow your dog to remain on your left. Hold the treat in your left hand and guide your dog while walking or teaching them to sit. Give the “heel” command.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is one of the part of learning basic commands. Young puppies of Long Haired German Shepherds have short attention spans but you can expect them to begin to learn simple obedience at the age of 7 to 8 weeks.

German shepherd Dogs are intelligent enough to learn the behavior you desire. Giving them treats, praise, or affection is one of the most successful techniques. The most key point to remember is to continuously reward your dog for the desired behavior.

Do not reward or give treat for the behavior you don’t want. When your dog does not jump up, reward them with a treat and repeat the task until your dog does not jump up.


For socialization, take your dog on leash walks on a regular basis. This is essential not only for training, but also for the dog’s physical and mental wellbeing. Because the Long Haired German Shepherd is a high-energy dog breed, he or she may require a lot of activity to stay happy and in shape.

Walking in the opposite direction and encouraging your dog to join you is an even more successful strategy. Praise and treat them once they’ve caught up. You can name the behavior “heel” or “let’s go” once the dog walks regularly by your side.

Stop Barking

German shepherd dogs are natural guardians and protectors. One of the most common complaints among dog owners is barking. Barking that is excessive or out of control is unacceptable to the owners or neighbours. When they are barking, you should not yell.

  • Your dog will bark if it is bored and not getting enough mental or physical exercise. Make sure you spend quality time with your dog every day to keep him engaged and active.
  • If your dog is barking, make sure you don’t yell at them.
  • When they bark because they are scared of being left alone, try not to leave them until you can teach them that it is okay to be alone.
  • If your dog is barking without any reason, then ignore it. After they’ve calmed down, attend to them.
  • Do not give them rewards while they are barking.
  • If your dog is barking because they are scared, try to keep them away from the scary situation as much as possible.

Stop Jumping

Dogs may jump up when they energized or looking for a thing within the person’s hands. Many dogs like to welcome face to face like they do with their canine partners. A jumping Long-Haired German Shepherd dog can be irritating and indeed unsafe. So it is important that train your dog do not jump on you.

  1. Ignore them while they are jumping.
  2. Give them something to carry in his mouth while jumping.
  3. Learn them “quit” command.
  4. Give them proper grooming needs.

Potty Training

When they are about 3 and 4 months old, begin training them. Take the puppy out to potty first thing in the morning and then every 30 to 60 minutes for pee. If you don’t want to take the puppy to the same area every time they do potty, give them their own washroom.

Also, once they finish a meal or wake up from a nap, take them outside. Make sure they go out last and before they are left alone. Keep an eye on them outside, at least until they’ve completed their task. Praise or reward your puppy when he or she eliminates outside.

Stop Biting

Based on the intensity and frequency of bites, the German shepherd is considered one of the most dangerous breeds. Their razor-sharp bites can injure anyone. Allow your dog to meet and engage with a variety of individuals during socialisation, including youngsters, disabled people, and the elderly, in a quiet, positive environment.

Keep them apart from other people at the initial meeting so they don’t bite them. It can bite when they are puppies and still teething. Give them chew toys to play with. Chewing aids in the relief of his pain. Don’t feed them anything after they’ve bitten you. Make sure that your dog is fully vaccinated.


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